Project Information

  • Category: Short film (4-mins)
  • Writer/Director: RJ Baculo
  • Film Premiere: June 2021
  • Film Festivals: Obiettivo Corto International Smartphone Film Festival (Best Social Film), Dreamanila International Film Festival (Best Performance), MINA 10th Smartphone Film Festival, SF3 Smartphone Film Festival, Malaysia Mental Health Film Festival, Super 9 Mobile Film Fest, Mental Filmness Film Festival, Get Smart Film Festival


An anxious young man becomes obsessed with black holes. The question is: will he let his obsession and anxiety define him and consume him? Or can he escape the "black hole" of his troubled life and be more than just his mental illness?

Shot on an iPhone 8+ with Filmic Pro App & Filmic Remote and Ulanzi smartphone lenses (7.5mm Fish-eye, 16mm Wide, 65mm Telephoto, 75mm Super Macro). Edited & Color Graded on Davinci Resolve Studio 17.

Director's Notes

I wanted to portray the anxiety of living in isolation during a pandemic in a creative way by combining some elements of science fiction and psychological horror to present the feeling of dread in our global situation while highlighting mental disorders like Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) to increase awareness.

There was also the added challenge of shooting everything myself and being my own and only actor. Using an iPhone (and an iPad as a monitor and remote control) made it possible, especially in the restricted space of our tiny apartment. If this was done with a DSLR or mirrorless camera, it would’ve been far more difficult.

Additionally, I wanted to demonstrate and lead by example that great films and great stories can still be told by these everyday pocket devices. This makes filmmaking even more accessible than ever before - a mobile revolution I advocate for.